Ingrown Toenail Treatment Birmingham

ingrown toe nail

An ingrown toenail is when the nail on the foot grows into the flesh instead of straight. Usually it is the big toenail that is effected but it can happen to any nail. An ingrown toenail is a common complaint which can occur at any age.

There are many causes of ingrown toenails. Some of the most common reasons are; cutting nails poorly and extra pressure on the nail pushing the skin into the nail. Whatever the reason for the ingrown toenail, the sooner it is checked out and treated the better.

An ingrown toenail will be painful due to the nail pushing into the flesh. The pain will feel like a throbbing sensation and it will be painful to touch the toenail. The skin around the nail will look inflamed and red and sometimes there may be a discharge if it has become infected. Once the ingrown toenail has become infected then it becomes more difficult to treat.
If you suspect you have an ingrown toenail then see a Registered Podiatrist or your GP. There is no way to treat an ingrown toenail yourself. If the toe looks inflamed then antibiotics will be needed to treat it as soon as possible.

Most ingrown toenails can be treated surgically. The procedure used will depend on how severe the ingrown toenail is. A small part of the nail may have to be removed or the whole nail if the ingrown toenail is very bad. Nail surgery is done under a local anaesthetic. The anaesthetic is used to numb the area so no pain will be felt during the procedure. If the nail surgery is successful then the ingrown toenail will not regrow.

What are the benefits of toenail surgery?

If you have an ingrowing toenail, or an unsightly nail that you wish to have removed, toenail surgery will benefit you. The benefits of toenail surgery include:

  • Removal of ingrown nail

  • Pain relief

  • Improved aesthetics (if thick and discoloured)

  • Permanent solution to chronic reoccurrence and pain

  • Local anaesthetic so no need to fast before surgery

  • Removes cause of infection

  • Minimal time off

  • No waiting lists

  • No need to visit hospital

  • Partial removal of nail is cosmetically acceptable

What actually happens during the surgery?

Toe nail surgery in only necessary for patients that do not respond to conservative treatment. The video below is a step by step guide of toe nail surgery which was carried out in our clinic. Warning this is not for the faint hearted!


Ingrown Toe Nail Operation