Electrosurgery for Verrucas and Corns
Electrosurgery is when electrical currents are used to remove corns, verrucas and other unwanted skin lesions.
What is electrosurgery?
Electrosurgery is when high frequency currents are applied into the tissue with the aim of getting rid of unwanted skin lesions such as corns and verrucas. It is a painless method. A current is sent through an electrode to the ground plate and back to the area being treated. This will destroy the tissue where the problem area is.
What kind of conditions can electrosurgery help with?
Electrosurgery is used to treat skin problems so any areas of the feet suffering from this can be treated, such as:
*Corns which are painful and hard to treat, like neurovascular corns
*Unwanted skin lesions
How does electrosurgery work?
A high frequency current is used during electrosurgery to destroy unwanted skin lesions and skin tissue. During this treatment a high radio wave frequency travels from an electrode to the problem area and back to the machine through a ground plate. This high frequency current produces an energy which creates steam; this causes the fluid in the tissues of the problem area to vaporise. Electrosurgery can be used to cut, burn off and dry up skin lesions.
The Procedure
The day the operation is to take place, eat and drink like normal. During this procedure you will be awake. A local anaesthetic injection will be given to the nerves near the area that is to be treated. This will numb that area. The radiolase will then be used to remove the dead tissue on the affected area. A pressure relieving pad and an antiseptic dressing will be applied to the area. You will have to arrange for someone to take you home as you will not be able to drive straight after this procedure.
This procedure will take approximately 1 to 2 hours. You should rest the foot as much as possible for at least two days after the procedure. The wound will need to be redressed 2-3 days later; a follow up appointment will be needed. The wound will need to be kept dry and covered for one week.
You may experience some pain or discomfort after the anaesthetic has worn off, taking paracetamol will help to relieve this. The wound will generally form a scab within two weeks, depending on the size of the treated area. How fast the wound will heal will depend on if the wound has remained infection free and how much you have rested. You may have to visit a Podiatrist to reduce the remaining scab in 4-6 weeks.
Most people are able to return to work after 7 days. This procedure is successful in treating verrucas. 94% of cases are successful after one treatment. Around 6% will require a second treatment.
Speedy Recovery
To speed up your recovery it is important that you:
Rest your foot as much as possible especially for the first 24 hours. Try to keep your foot up when resting. The more you rest the quicker the wound will heal and the less likely you will be to get an infection.
Keep the bandage dry. If blood soaks through it then cover with another clean bandage over it.
Stay away from any strenuous physical activity such as running until your Podiatrist advises you to return to it.
Do not remove the dressing at all. If it becomes stained then cover with a clean dressing.
There are some complications that may arise from electrosurgery. The wound may get infected and antibiotics may be needed from your GP. There may also be some scar tissue depending on the size of the area treated.
The benefits of electrosurgery
There are many benefits of having electrosurgery.
It is a safe and painless form of treatment
It is an effective way of removing unwanted skin lesions
It lessens the painful symptoms caused by some corns
It may allow you to move around easier after treatment
Who is this procedure not suitable for?
This treatment is not suitable for all people. If you:
Are pregnant
Have a pacemaker
Suffer from poor circulation
Are allergic to a local anaesthetic
Are taking certain kinds of medication
Have screws or a metal plate in your lower leg
Are going to or already have donated blood. Surgery cannot go ahead 3 weeks before or after donating blood
Are there any similar treatments available?
There are other treatments to manage these skin problems, such as:
Removing verrucas using cryotherapy
Treating verrucas and corns using acid
General scalpel treatment carried out by a Podiatrist
Hydrodrill for painful corns