Nail surgery

Toenail surgery is a procedure that is carried out under local anaesthetic, which involves removing either a portion of the nail, or the entire nail plate. 

Nail surgery is subject to an assessment with a podiatrist here at Dr Foot Podiatry. 

What is toenail surgery?
Toenail surgery is a minor surgical procedure that involves removing either part of the nail plate, or the entire nail plate, which is removed under local anaesthetic so that no pain is felt during the procedure. Nail surgery may be necessary if you have an in-growing toenail, or if you have unsightly nails. 

In-growing toenails commonly occur at the big toenail; however, an ingrown toenail can also occur at any one of the lesser toenails. 

If you have an ingrowing toenail the nail will press and then grow into the surrounding skin and tissue, leading to pain and discomfort. Toenail surgery is a quick procedure that removes the ingrowing portion of nail. Once the nail has been removed a chemical called phenol is used to stop the nail re-growing, this is so that the problem does not return.

What are the benefits of toenail surgery?

If you have an ingrowing toenail, or an unsightly nail that you wish to have removed, toenail surgery will benefit you. The benefits of toenail surgery include:

  • Removal of ingrown nail

  • Pain relief

  • Improved aesthetics (if thick and discoloured)

  • Permanent solution to chronic reoccurrence and pain

  • Local anaesthetic so no need to fast before surgery

  • Removes cause of infection

  • Minimal time off

  • No waiting lists

  • No need to visit hospital

  • Partial removal of nail is cosmetically acceptable

What actually happens during the surgery?

Toe nail surgery in only necessary for patients that do not respond to conservative treatment. The video below is a step by step guide of toe nail surgery which was carried out in our clinic. Warning this is not for the faint hearted!