Cracked Dry Heels

Cracked Dry Heels

Cracked heels can be painful and look quite unpleasant and embarrassing especially in the summer when feet are in more revealing footwear. If heels are slightly cracked then they can be treated at the comfort of your home in a short amount of time or visit a Podiatrist who can take off the dead skin for you. This will leave the feet feeling soft and smooth.

When the skin on the heels begins to split and crack then cracked heels are formed. When the skin on the heels has thickened or become very dry then this causes it to split. Dry and thickened skin loses elasticity and is less supple. Walking puts pressure on the heels then cracks are created. Walking on cracked heels can lead to bleeding and can be very painful. This can be worse for people who have a large fatty pad under their feet as the skin needs more elasticity when walking to be able to stretch without cracking. Being overweight, pregnant or standing for a long time, all can add more pressure on the heels.

What are the causes of cracked heels?

There are many causes of cracked heels. Below is a list of some of these causes:-

  • Being overweight can increase the pressure put on the heels thus causing them to crack. Also the heel needs to expand more whilst walking when being overweight; this can lead to severe cracks in the heels.

  • Walking barefoot inside the house which is fairly common or wearing footwear that is open such as flip flops or thong sandals can dry the feet out.

  • Standing for long periods of time on hard surfaces.

  • Poor foot hygiene.

  • Wearing shoes that do not fit properly or support the heel adequately.

  • Genetics can play a big part in who suffers from cracked heels. Some people suffer from thick calluses on the heels but the heels do not crack and there are others who do not have calluses but will have severe cracked heels very quickly.

  • Certain hormonal imbalances and conditions such as thyroid.

  • Not eating properly and lacking in certain vitamins and minerals.

  • Dry skin caused by the weather changing or being indoors with the heating on.

What are the medical reasons for cracked heels?

There are many medical conditions that dry out the skin. Some of these are:

  • Suffering from thyroid problems

  • Down Syndrome

  • Genetics – causing the skin to crack easily

  • Skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis

  • Dermatitis bought on by athletes foot

  • Chilblains

  • Poor circulation problems

  • Diabetes

  • Lymphoma

  • Kidney problems

Cracked heels or calluses in the elderly should be checked out by a Podiatrist as these symptoms could be from an increase in pressure and maybe a sign of an ulcer or a bedsore. A Podiatrist will recommend the best treatment required.

How would our Podiatrist treat cracked heels?
Our Podiatrist will remove dead skin which will leave you with smooth heels. After an assessment, a podiatrist will be able to work out what may be causing your feet to dry out. Once the cause is known then the podiatrist can treat that cause. They can also advise you on the best types of cream for you to use that are suitable for your skin type. Also they can advise you on how to look after your feet and prevent getting cracked heels.

  • We stock a variety of creams and can recommend the appropriate cream for you feet based on a podiatric assessment.

  • The podiatrist will also carefully remove the hard dry skin using a scalpel and a electric file.

  • Provide heel cups and special socks that are designed to alleviate cracked heels.

  • In severe cases we can use specific tissue glue to heal severe cracked heels.