Gait Abnormalities

Changes in the way we walk that lead to pain over time is known as a gait abnormality. The whole musculo-skeletal system is used when we walk, the upper and lower body need to work together.

Gait abnormalities can be assessed in many ways. A registered podiatrist may use a gait scan which will show the results of pressure on your feet when walking on the computer. This can also be done visually or physically. Also a biomechanical assessment would help to see how much contact the foot has with the ground. After a full assessment, the podiatrist will be able to prescribe the right orthotic to help with your gait problem.

Orthotics can be made tailored for individuals, making them perfect to support your feet where you need them to. Bespoke orthotics are great for every day use and very comfortable. Depending on the feet, sometimes the shoes may need to be altered if the foot suffers from other conditions.

Physiotherapy can also help with gait abnormalities. Treating gait has progressed in the last few years. A lot can be done to help treat gait abnormalities.