High Volume Ultrasound Guided Injections for Achilles Pain

High volume ultrasound guided injections (HVIGI) are a relatively new treatment method for achilles pain that has been gaining popularity in recent years. This method involves injecting a high volume of a solution containing local anesthetics and steroids into the affected area under ultrasound guidance. HVIGI has been found to have several positive effects in the treatment of achilles pain.

  1. Reduced pain: One of the primary benefits of HVIGI for achilles pain is the reduction of pain. The high volume of solution injected into the area can help to numb the affected area and provide immediate relief.

  2. Improved function: HVIGI can also improve function in the affected area. By reducing pain and inflammation, patients can often move more freely and perform daily activities with greater ease.

  3. Faster healing: HVIGI has been found to promote faster healing in patients with achilles pain. The local anesthetics and steroids injected into the area can help to reduce inflammation and promote tissue repair.

  4. Reduced need for surgery: HVIGI can also help to reduce the need for surgical intervention in patients with achilles pain. By providing effective pain relief and promoting healing, many patients are able to avoid surgery altogether.

  5. Cost-effective: HVIGI is also a cost-effective treatment option for achilles pain. It is less expensive than surgery and often requires fewer visits to the podaitry office.

  6. Safe: HVIGI is a safe treatment method for achilles pain. The procedure is performed under ultrasound guidance, which ensures that the solution is injected into the correct location. Complications are rare, and most patients experience no adverse side effects.

In conclusion, high volume ultrasound guided injections (HVIGI) are a relatively new treatment method for achilles pain that has several positive effects. HVIGI can reduce achilles pain, improve function, promote faster healing, reduce the need for surgery, and is a cost-effective and safe treatment option. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to evaluate your condition and determine the best course of treatment.


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